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Mrs Laura Hodkinson

Referral Clinician in Small Animal Medicine

Mrs Laura Hodkinson - Referral Clinician in Small Animal Medicine
Mrs Laura Hodkinson BVetMed, CertAVP, MRCVS Referral Clinician in Small Animal Medicine

Laura grew up in Northumberland and returned home after graduating from the Royal Veterinary College, London in 2011.  She has worked in small animal practice in the area since then and joined the Moorview team in 2018.  Laura became a full time member of the medicine department in 2019 and completed her small animal medicine certificate in 2020. Laura has a keen interest in all aspects of small animal medicine, but does particularly enjoy diagnostic imaging and is starting her post graduate certificate in this subject area early next year. 

Outside of work Laura is kept busy with her young family, two cocker spaniels, horse and enjoys spending time in the beautiful Northumbrian countryside.